Published on: 9.5.2022
Information produced by Finnish Environment Institute
Finnish Environment Institute

The Finnish Environment Institute is a research and development organisation in the environmental sector that produces information and solutions for building a sustainable society and for protecting and managing aquatic and other environments.
The Finnish Environment Institute promotes and supports the sustainability transition, which means rapidly adapting society’s systems to the limits of the environment’s carrying capacity. The Finnish Environment Institute is subordinate to the Ministry of the Environment and also carries out tasks falling within the Ministry of Agriculture’s purview in such areas as water resources management.
The Finnish Environment Institute is the only Finnish research institute that examines all aspects of aquatic environments and water resources – rivers and lakes, the Baltic Sea and groundwaters – and their use as a whole. It develops new solutions for sustainable water resources use and means for improving the state of aquatic environments with the aim of achieving a good ecological status for all waters.
In water issues, the Finnish Environment Institute collaborates with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the ELY Centres (Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment). They work together to monitor the hydrological situation and maintain the Flood Centre, a service which issues flood forecasts and warnings.
The Finnish Environment Institute also produces societal and economic assessments to support decision-making relating to waters. It develops methods for reconciling different needs of using and managing water resources.
The Finnish Environment Institute handles a broad range of tasks which include not only water-related themes but also climate change, biodiversity loss, circular economy, overconsumption, pollution and the urban environment.
More information on the topic:
On external sites: Evidence-based knowledge to support sustainability transition (Finnish Environment Institute)