Water Solutions and Expertise from Finland launching event, morning session
Tapahtuma-aika: 1.3.2023 klo 08:30 - 10:00
Lisätietoja: linkki tapahtuman kotisivulle tai ohjelmaan
Esityskielet: englanti
Järjestäjä: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Chaired by Jertta de Mazières, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
8:30 GMT+2 Opening the event
Value of Water for Business and Finnish pathways to leadership in Water Stewardship Ms Saara Leppänen, Finnish Water Forum
Key success factors of the Finnish offering and presenting the offering material from Finland Mr Risto Huhta Koivisto, Business Finland
Cases from Finland: company presentation
- Kauko International , Markus Tuukkanen, Director , Business Development
- Econet , Mika Kärkkäinen, Business Director
- Water Master , Janne Heinonen, Senior Vice President
- Weeefiner Mikko Hänninen, Chief Executive Officer
10:00 GMT+2 Closing the event