VELMU Conference - Bringing Marine Nature Back to Our Lives - the Role of Science

Tapahtuma-aika: 14.3.2023 klo 09:00 - 15.3.2023 klo 16:00
Esityskielet: englanti
Järjestäjä: VELMU – the Finnish Inventory Programme for Underwater Marine Diversity

Biodiversity loss is world´s largest environmental issue right after the climate change, and that is why studying the biodiversity and it´s changes is now more relevant than ever. Join us on March 14–15, in the Velmu conference at Paasitorni, Helsinki.

Top international scientists will deliver a concentrated dose of new information on marine conservation and sustainable use during the two-day conference. The event is perfect opportunity to create new networks, meet professionals working with marine nature and catch up with people you haven´t seen in a while.