Minisymposium - Ecological effects of beaver engineering
Ecological effects of beaver engineering
Lammi biological station 8.3.2023
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Petri Nummi: Opening words: Beaver come back
11.20 Clarisse Blanchet: Beaver, forestry, and brownification
11.40 Stella Thompson: Beaver and insect diversity
12-13 Lunch
13.00 Alan Law: Beaver, Connectivity & biodiversity
13.20 Eszter Megyeri: Beaver and pied flycatcher breeding success
13.40 Janne Sundell: Beaver as a mammal facilitator
14.00 Coffee
14.30 Callum Dunleavy and Patrick Cook: How to rewild a landscape – terrestrial and freshwater perspectives
14.50 Tom Spencer: Beaver and eDNA part. 1
15.10 Lori Lawson Handley: Beaver and eDNA part. 2
15.30 Nigel Willby: Conclusion remarks
15.50 Posters and beer
When registering, please specify if:
- You will be present on-site or online,
- You wish to eat at the cafeteria for 1) lunch and/or 2) diner,
- You have a special diet.