Published on: 2.12.2019

Information produced by Finnish Environment Institute

Repairs to the water distribution network

Sininen ja punainen vesiputki

Water pipes become dilapidated over time. If an old pipe breaks, tap water may become contaminated, which is why the water distribution network requires constant maintenance.

Most water distribution networks in Finland were built in the 1960s or 1970s, while some are even older. The time has come to replace them, as the technical service life of water pipes is around 50 years.

The need for renovations is increasing as many municipalities have put off the repairs to save money. Around six per cent of the water distribution networks in Finland are in need of urgent repairs, and the repair backlog amounts to hundreds of millions of euros.

Frequent pipe breakages and faulty valves are an indicator of poor network condition. Due to faults, recommendations to boil tap water or bans on water use need to be issued more often. In the worst case, an undetected contamination may cause a gastroenteritis outbreak, and such epidemics have indeed occurred in recent years.

The water pipes of many houses have also reached an age where they need repairs. Water pipe renovations should be carried out at the right time – neither too late nor too early, which will also help to control their costs.

Image: © Marja-Leena Hautala, Vastavalo