Published on: 16.6.2021
How are flood risks managed?
There is high awareness of flood risks in Finland, and we also have special legislation on managing these risks. The authorities’ tasks related to reducing flood damage and preparing for floods are defined in the Flood Risk Management Act.
Harms caused by floods can be mitigated more efficiently when flood risk areas are known, and the first step consequently is identifying areas that may be affected by damaging floods. There are 22 designated significant flood risk areas in Finland, of which 17 are in river basins and five on the coast.
The next step is drawing up maps of the flood risk areas. Such maps, which describe floods of different magnitudes, exist for over one hundred areas in Finland. Floods are defined according to the average frequency at which a flood of each magnitude recurs, for example once every hundred years.
The first stage of preparing the maps is drawing up flood hazard maps, which show the areas to which the floodwaters would spread. Flood risk maps are then drawn up, which indicate sensitive sites in the flood hazard area, including residential buildings and transport routes. Particular attention is given to key services of society, such as hospitals, water utilities and power stations.
Once the maps have been completed, flood risk management plans are put in place for significant flood risk areas, indicating how damages can be controlled and risks mitigated, for example by means of flood predictions and warnings. Rescue activities are also planned in advance, and flood risks can additionally be reduced by measures taken in a river basin.
Image: iStockphoto