Published on: 16.6.2021
Am I living in a flood risk area?
How can I tell if my home is in a flood risk area? You can find the answer in flood maps that so far cover more than one hundred areas in Finland, including 22 designated significant flood risk areas.
These maps can be found on a web service maintained by the Finnish Environment Institute. The maps show the areas to which water may spread during floods of different magnitudes as well as the likelihood of such floods.
However, attention to detail is needed when interpreting these maps: such factors as building elevation and any underground spaces affect the likelihood of flood damage. Small physical features of the terrain may also be significant, and out of two houses standing side by side, one may get drenched while the other is spared.
The flood maps show floods caused by rising water levels in rivers, lakes or the sea. Heavy rain may also cause local pluvial floods, especially in cities with paved or tarmacked surfaces that do not absorb water.
It should also be noted that the flood maps only cover certain parts of Finland, and damaging floods may also occur outside these areas. Talking to your neighbours and finding out about any previous floods in your area might be a good idea.
Flood hazard areas on map service
Flood hazard and risk maps on Flood map service
Image: iStockphoto