In Focus:
Water solutions and expertise from Finland
Augmented reality crew assistance service
Our solution
Hurja Solutions builds augmented reality crew assistance services (ARCAS) for water utilities in smart water infrastructure management projects. The key features of our ARCAS are the following:
- Collects views of real-time data and service history and provides guidance on the spot.
- Increases efficiency and safety by freeing the hands of workers.
- Provides easy virtual access for educational and training purposes.
- Ensures secure data storage in Finland.
Benefit for the customer
- Cost savings.
- Increased efficiency.
- Increased safety.
Hurja Solutions Ltd is a software company that approaches work professionally in good spirit and in a relaxed atmosphere.
Our first pilot location is Savonia WaterLab in Savilahti, Kuopio, Finland.
A short demonstration video of our service.
Keijo Haataja
+358 45 187 1687