In Focus:
Water solutions and expertise from Finland

Nutrient recovery – at lowest cost and environment-friendly

Our solution

Fiskars Environmental Care has introduced its ReGreenMix modular composter based on a recycling composting process. Only 10% of fresh bulking agent is needed to create the compost in addition to the wastewater sludge, biowaste, biogas production residue or other organic waste fed into the process. The main bulking agent is internally recycled compost. ReGreenMix is a continuous closed reactor composter. It consists of 10 container-sized modules that are assembled in a factory environment where the process technology is integrated into the modules. ReGreenMix is automatic, remotely controlled and runs without the need for continuous operator attendance.

Benefit for the customer

  • Low cost per ton of composted organic waste – up to 65% lower.
  • Environment-friendly, closed system without dust or odor, no run-off water released to the environmen
  • Waste quantity is reduced significantly by about 70–80% in the process.

Competitive advantage

ReGreenMix offers the lowest cost per ton of treated organic waste. The composter runs unmanned and automatically. It is free from any dust, odor and run-off water impact on the environment. ReGreenMix consists of factory-made modules that can be assembled in 7 days on site at any operating unit.

Customer segment

Wastewater sludge, biowaste, biogas production residue, organic-containing waste.


Fiskars Environmental Care – Fiskarsin Kiertotalous Oy – is a startup company looking for investors and a first reference.


Topi Karppanen
+358 40 500 1957