In Focus:
Water solutions and expertise from Finland
Water treatment testing services
Our solution
Feasib Analytics offers laboratory services and pilot-scale testing for mine water treatment methods. Our testing pools are located in an actual mine site, with a real mine waste seepage water stream and weather conditions. The performance of our treatment method can be measured and proven in our laboratory by our certificated samplers with no delays. This adjustable testing environment is suitable for reactive filtration materials, geopolymers, activated carbon and others.
Benefit for the customer
- Real weather conditions and water quality variations.
- Fast sampling and results.
- Water stream adjustable to desired amount.
Competitive advantage
We have no competition in this field. Our service suits the phase when the first laboratory tests are successfully performed with a new mine water treatment method, and the customer is ready to run pilot-scale tests in a measured environment.
Customer segment
Companies introducing or developing new mine water treatment materials or methods.
Feasib provides environmental, energy and circular economy consulting services and tailored laboratory services.
HUESKER Synthetic GmbH, Teknoma, Ramboll.
Markus Latvala
+358 40 149 7541