Select regional water situation
Regional water situation
Kainuu and Oulu-Koillismaa 14.1.
In the River Oulujoki water system, water levels of regulated lakes are mainly close to normal seasonal levels. The water level of Lake Oulujärvi is slightly above its seasonal average level. Its surface has started declining due to the increased flow regulation at the beginning of the year. The snow water equivalent in the Oulujoki area is lower than usual at this stage of the year.
On the Sotkamo route, the water levels of natural lakes are close to the average level of the season and declining. On the Hyrynsalmi route and in the lower reaches of the water system, the water levels of natural lakes are elevated, in places, compared to typical seasonal levels and also declining. The water levels of natural lakes continue to decline as is typical in winter.
In the Kuusamo region, the water levels of Lake Kitkajärvi and Lake Muojärvi are close to the typical level of the beginning of the year. The water levels are predicted to decline gradually during the course of winter.