In Focus:
Water solutions and expertise from Finland

Finland understands water
Imagine a country with a thousand kilometres of intricate Baltic Sea coast lined by an array of island and skerries. Add nearly 60,000 landlocked lakes, even more wetlands, and an immense reserve of renewable ground water. This is the country where we Finns have lived and continue to live, always next to water, respecting water, and understanding the ways of water.
Over the years, we have learned to use and manage our water reserves innovatively and sustainably. Many of us have specialized in water treatment and protection, or on water-based products and services.
This knowledge and know-how is now available to you. On these pages you can get acquainted with some top examples of Finnish water solutions. You will find information on water education and professionals, on water services, and on the smart management of water. And you will find partners to help you with your own projects and endeavours in the water sector.
Some impressive figures
Furthermore, Finland is number One in…
Sustainability on managing aquifer recharge
Sanitation and drinking water
Environmental performance index 2022
Wastewater treatment
Environmental performance index 2022
Leading country in sustainable development
UN Sustainable development report 2021
Digitalisation in the EU countries
Digital Economy and Society Index DESI 2022
The most stable country in the world
The Fund for Peace, Fragile states index 2022
And last but not least, Finland is the Happiest Country in the World*
*UN 2023 World happiness report

Global water challenges can be solved
A total of 2 billion people live in water-stressed areas. Within 10 years, there will be a 40% shortfall in fresh water. While the future looks ever more challenging, solutions are at hand. In short:
- Water supply infrastructure and lack of wastewater systems
- Water wastage
- Lack of cooperation in water management, both nationally and internationally
- Lack of water data
- Climate change
- Slow implementation of policies and regulations
- More efficient water use
- Smart water management
- Strengthening the resilience of water services
- Integrated water resources management
- Digital and monitoring solutions
- Integration of natural and traditional water infrastructure
- Transboundary water cooperation
- Water diplomacy
- Climate-proof solutions

Together towards responsible and equitable water security
We know that water security is, above all, a matter of co-operation. It calls for partnership and collaboration between the sectors that use, manage and cherish our water resources. After all, we are all equally reliant on clean water for our health and wellbeing, and many of us, for our livelihoods and businesses.
In Finland, we have invested in integrated water resources management and capacity building. It is our mission to take good care of our waters in a responsible and sustainable way for the benefit of every citizen. We also cooperate closely with our neighbouring countries in managing our shared waters, as well as internationally to promote the equitable use of the world’s water resources.
Finnish approaches to water security and management:
International Water Strategy in Finland
- Finnish approach to sustainable water management based on close cross-sectoral collaboration
- Partners involved offer innovative tools for water-based solutions to ensure a water-secure world by 2030
Water stewardship commitment
- Challenges companies to identify water risks and impacts in their procurement and value chains
- Engages companies in collective action with the public sector, academia and NGOs to develop sustainable water use and governance
- Finland is a founding signatory of the Glasgow Declaration for Fair Water Footprints, making responsible water stewardship a global business norm

Finnish strongholds
Over the years, Finland has developed a smooth and efficient way of managing water resources with different actors working together and making use of cutting-edge technology. We provide affordable, high-quality drinking water and sanitation services while also taking care of the aquatic environment. Smart metering and digitalisation provide us with new opportunities for furthering more efficient use of water in water-scarce areas. We create clean water, security and wellbeing for all!
Our competitive advantage
- Holistic solutions including design
- Innovative new applications
- Testbeds, agile development
- Cross-sectoral cooperation
- Life-cycle solutions
- Good governance and comprehensive legislation, high standards and regulatory control
- High level of education
Expertise sectors
- Digital technologies for smart water management
- Resource recovery and energy efficiency / circular water economy
- Water utilities and climate-resilient water services
- Water in industrial use and mining
- Water know-how and capacity building

Finnish Water Forum: A platform for cooperation between enterprises, science and organizations.
The Finnish Water Forum (FWF) represents the whole variety of expertise in the Finnish water sector through its members. FWF is a platform for cooperation of commercial enterprises, governmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific institutes and water-related associations. FWF’s mission is to create sustainable solutions for global water, climate and biodiversity challenges jointly using Finnish know-how and technology with local and international actors.
- Non-profit organization with more than 130 member organizations
- Expertise in all areas of water
- Projects in research and foreign cooperation in the EU, Ukraine, China, Vietnam, Central Asia, India, Egypt, Kenya and other countries
- Contact point for any inquiries addressing the Finnish water sector

Find a Finnish water solutions expert
We have curated a selection of professional services in six categories for your benefit. Entries marked with [icon] provide new, emerging products and technologies.