
Finland launches an inter-ministerial water stewardship action plan in support of fair water footprints


As a part of the Water Action Agenda of the UN 2023 Water Conference, Finland launches an inter-ministerial water stewardship action plan in support of


Relatively small amount of blue-green algae have been observed in inland waters, but there are plenty of observations on the coast and in the open sea


The blue-green algae situation has remained stable in inland waters, and slightly less blue-green algae than in previous monitoring years have been observed. Blue-green algae


Blue-green algae situation has remained stable both in lakes and at sea


Blue-green algae observations in lakes and coastal areas have increased slightly since last week. However, the situation is normal for the season and, in lakes,


Strong winds have dispersed blue-green algae surface blooms in inland waters and at sea


The blue-green algae situation in lakes is calm considering the time period. Even in sea areas, blue-green algae have only been detected in subsurface layers


Expert network launched to support Finnish companies to become leaders in water stewardship by 2030


The Finnish Water Stewardship Expert Network has been founded to support Finnish companies to become leaders in water stewardship by 2030. The network has been


The blue-green algae situation has deteriorated significantly in inland waters and coastal areas, also abundant blue-green algae in sea areas


Blue-green algae observations from lakes and coastal areas have doubled since last week, as a result of warm weather. Observations have even been made in


Blue-green algae situation has calmed down at sea and in lakes


The amount of blue-green algae in sea areas and lakes has clearly decreased this week. Inland waters and coastal areas no longer have any observations


Cyan-coloured disintegrating blue-green algae on the water.

Reduced wind increases surface blooms of blue-green algae


There have been sightings of blue-green algae in almost all of Finland this week. Although the sightings have increased, the situation remains typical for inland


Unstable weather has kept the blue-green algae situation calm in lakes, surface blooms observed at sea


Somewhat less blue-green algae have been observed in lakes and coastal areas than last week, but blue-green algae may still appear mixed with water. Cloudy


In the photo, sea waves hit the rocks.

Windy weather has restrained blue-green algae blooms


The number of blue-green algae observations in lakes and coastal areas has decreased, due to the windy weather this week. Comprehensive satellite observations in sea


The satellite image shows green eddies in the sea area outside Helsinki and Porkkalanniemi.

Blue-green algae observations increased in inland waters and at sea during Midsummer week


The blue-green algae situation in inland waters is calm as typical in early summer, even though blue-green algae observations have increased since last week. On


Blue-green algae observations increased slightly in inland waters and coastal areas


The blue-green algae situation remains calm, even though observations in lakes and coastal areas have increased. Abundant blooms of blue-green algae have been observed at


CORRECTION: The blue-green algae situation calm both in the Baltic Sea and in lakes


The blue-green algae situation has remained calm in sea areas and inland waters, as typical in early summer. Some blue-green algae observations have been made


Sustainable use of water resources takes a leap to a new level – Finnish Environment Institute participates in historic UN Water Conference


The UN Water Conference in New York on 22–24 March will mark World Water Day in an extraordinary way this year. The Finnish Environment Institute


Groundwater sampling in Pratappur Nepal

Looking for Solutions for Arsenic in Drinking Water in Nepal


Arsenic contamination of groundwater is an environmental health problem in several regions affecting many people, especially in developing countries. In Asian countries high arsenic levels


Early weeks’ wind and rain have mixed the blue-green algae, observed in the southern part of the Archipelago Sea a week ago, into the entire water layer. On the left, blue-green algae in the layers close to the surface, on the right, wind-induced waves in the same area.

Cool and rainy weather has kept the blue-green algae situation calm on lakes and at sea


This week, the amount of blue-green algae observations in inland waters and on the coast has been below average, as a result of cool weather


Warm weather has increased the number of blue-green algae observations in inland waters and sea areas


Observations on blue-green algae have increased this week, as a result of warm weather, both in inland waters and at sea. For example, the summer’s


Summer algae forecast: Warm and calm weather conditions can lead to powerful blooms of blue-green algae in the Baltic Sea


In sea areas blooms of algae in the spring consume nitrogen, while leaving phosphorus-based nutrients for the blue-green algae that appear in the summer. Warm


Proposal for 18 major flood risk areas in Finland


Finland’s ELY centres propose that 18 areas in Finland should be considered zones with a significant risk of flooding in sea areas and internal water


Water information: Short articles

Fishing and everyone’s rights

Angling and ice fishing are free of charge for everyone. There is also no charge for herring fishing with a single rod. For other forms


Could dams be demolished?

Removing larger power plant dams would not make sense, as these plants make a contribution to climate change mitigation by producing emission-free electricity.


Theme pages

Vesistökunnostusverkoston talviseminaarit

Vesistökunnostusverkosto järjestää vuosittain maksuttoman talviseminaarin, jossa käsitellään vesistöjen kunnostukseen liittyviä ajankohtaisia aiheita. Vesistökunnostusverkoston Talviwebinaari 2023 Tervetuloa Talviwebinaariin! TALVIWEBINAARIN ohjelma on nyt julkaistu! Tapahtumamme ovat maksuttomia


Vesistökunnostajien aamukahvit

Tervetuloa vesistökunnostajien aamukahveille kuukauden viimeinen perjantai klo 8:30-10:00. Aamukahveilla tarjoillaan tietoiskuja valuma-alue- ja vesistökunnostusten ajankohtaisista aiheista. Kaikille avoimet aamukahvit järjestetään Teams-yhteydellä. Teams-linkki kahvitteluun löytyy tästä.


Water glossary



Acidification means that the ability of a lake, forest land or other habitat to neutralise acids is reduced. As a result of acidification, the pH
